Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) was first known as Metalworking Technology
Inc., (MTI), a subsidiary of the University of Pittsburgh Trust. MTI was formed
in 1987 to operate the National Center for Excellence in Metalworking Technology
(NCEMT) in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It opened in 1988.
In each of its first three years of operation, company revenues doubled, as did
the number of employees. Already MTI had exceeded expectations. The NCEMT capably
advanced metalworking technology and delivered world-class solutions to the U.S.
Navy. The organization quickly gained national recognition and respect, prompting
expanded capabilities.
By 1992, MTI was growing fast and outgrowing its name. To more accurately portray
the organization’s expanded mission—something beyond advanced metalworking technologies—the
company changed its name to Concurrent Technologies Corporation. Two years later,
CTC separated from the University of Pittsburgh Trust to become a fully independent
Today, CTC is an independent, nonprofit, applied scientific research and development
professional services organization providing management and technology-based solutions
to a wide range of clients representing state and federal government as well as
the private sector.
CTC collaborates with its technology transition affiliate, Enterprise Ventures Corporation,
to provide transformative, full lifecycle solutions through research, development,
test, and evaluation work.
Much has been achieved in partnership with government and industry through numerous
alliances. Much is yet to be done as CTC continues to support high-priority defense
needs and those of business and industry.
Learn more about our history.