Johnstown, PA July 11, 2023
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Force Safety and Occupational Health (OUSD[P&R] FSOH) has awarded Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) a $75.5 million contract to provide management, analytical, and technical support for a comprehensive safety and occupational health program.
The DoD recognizes that commitment to safety is vital to the effectiveness and readiness of the force and is committed to minimizing avoidable losses whenever possible.
In this effort, CTC will provide the required expertise to support the reduction of mishaps, injury, and occupational illness risk, enabling an enduring safety culture and improving readiness across the Department of Defense (DoD).
Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) is an independent, nonprofit, applied scientific research and development professional services organization. CTC collaborates with its technology transition affiliate, Enterprise Ventures Corporation, to provide transformative, full lifecycle solutions through research, development, test, and evaluation work. To best serve our clients’ needs, we offer the complete ability to fully design, develop, test, prototype and build. We deliver robust, technical, and innovative solutions that safeguard our national security, retain U.S. technological advantage, and ensure the primacy of American manufacturing. For more information about CTC, visit
Read more about CTC's activities and expertise in safety and occupational health.