- How can energy storage technologies become more cost efficient?
- What innovative
advancements can we make to improve safety and reliability?
- How is modeling
and simulation applied successfully to our nation’s questions about energy storage?
CTC believes that energy storage can play a key role in the electric grid of the
future. The application of energy storage will address the variable supply from
renewable energy sources; improve power quality, stability and reliability; defer
equipment upgrades and benefit emergency preparedness.
The Department of Energy has identified four challenges that are keeping energy
storage from widespread deployment. They include cost competitive energy storage
technologies, validated reliability and safety, equitable regulatory environment,
and industry acceptance.
CTC is focusing its resources on developing solutions that address current barriers
and challenges that the Department of Energy has identified. Leveraging more than
18 years of experience with energy storage technologies, CTC is investigating electrolyte
additives, battery component improvements, and the ability to “level load” plants.
These activities include all aspects of inquiry and study from modeling and simulation
and prototype development to single-cell testing and stack scale-up.