We offer secure and private machine learning models that ensure high utility, assurance,
and interpretability.
At CTC, we understand that ML practitioners desire the highest accuracy model for
their deployed applications and that achieving this requires not only analytical
expertise, but the ability to rapidly apply deep engineering knowledge of the entire
workflow and underlying infrastructure. Our experience performing independent ML
research and development has given us unique perspectives and novel ways to build
and deploy machine learning models within enterprise or mobile environments. No
matter what your requirements are, CTC can integrate new ideas and cutting-edge
technologies into your workflow.
CTC is performing research and development into the emerging field of ML assurance
to better understand the trade-off between model utility and assurance. The ability
to create and rapidly deploy highly accurate ML models has become ubiquitous with
the high availability of low-cost machine learning as a service (MLaaS) technology,
evolving application programmer interfaces to advanced algorithms, and open-sourced
and crowd-sourced data. However, ML practitioners should be aware that their models
can be vulnerable to privacy and security attacks that can either make them behave
in undesirable ways or leak information about their training data sets. CTC is developing
mitigation techniques that offer defenses without significantly changing the desired
model’s accuracy.