Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) has operated a full service mechanical
testing and materials characterization laboratory for over 30 years.
Our experienced team has performed quick turnaround mechanical testing services
for a multitude of government and commercial clients, from small-scale testing to
overall test programs for material qualifications. Our testing support staff includes
engineering staff with nearly 100 years of combined materials experience.
CTC is an independent, nonprofit, applied scientific research and development organization.
As a nonprofit, we partner with clients to provide the best possible engineering
& advanced manufacturing solutions. Our facilities are built and approved to protect sensitive
manufacturing, programs, and information processing. We offer extensive test services
expertise, including:
- Specialty testing
- Mechanical testing‒high temperature and cryogenic
- Materials characterization preparation and examination
- Dynamic tear and drop weight testing
With 16,000 square feet of lab space and 130,000 square feet of high bay work/demonstration
space, we can accommodate any size project involving mechanical testing, materials
characterization, and more.
CTC’s quality management system is certified to the ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) and
14001:2015 (Environmental) standards, as well as AS9100D:2016 (Quality – Aerospace-related
products). Its technology transition affiliate, Enterprise Ventures Corporation
(EVC), is certified to the AS9100 standard for aerospace activities.